The South Lake Tahoe Branch conducts two fundraisers each year to award 1) scholarships to women at Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) who are transferring on to a four-year college or university and 2) camperships to girls completing the seventh grade to attend a week long summer camp in math/science/computers at UC Davis.
Scholarships offered by the branch encourage women to achieve their educational goals and become valuable community members. The South Lake Tahoe branch of AAUW raises money for, and awards scholarships to, individuals who are transferring from LTCC to complete a four-year degree at an accredited college or university. The application for a scholarship is available from the Financial Aid office at LTCC. Applications are typically accepted from mid-April to mid-May. Scholarship recipients are selected in early-June. Donations supporting such scholarships are always welcome to the Joshua Salisbury Memorial Fund (tax deductible)–contact the LTCC Financial Aid office for more information.
Tech Trek is a week-long residential math/science/technology camp for girls entering the eighth grade. The South Lake Tahoe Branch raises money to send approximately three girls to Tech Trek, held at University of California at Davis. The camp is usually held on the last week of June or early July. Girls are nominated by their teachers and interviewed by a branch committee, usually in March.
The camp allows the girls to experience a taste of college life by living with other girls from northern California in a dorm setting and eating in the college cafeteria. Girls get hands-on experience in science labs, math puzzles and models, problem solving, and team building exercises. The camp also provides the girls confidence in pursuing these educational fields still under-represented by women. AAUW members volunteer as dorm-mothers, nurses, and teachers. Jan Lynds and Stephanie Facchini coordinate Tech Trek for the South Lake Tahoe Branch and can be contacted for information at and
Members and the public can support our efforts to fund scholarships to LTCC women by contributing to the Joshua Salisbury Foundation (contact the LTCC Foundations office). To accommodate the rising cost of Tech Trek each year, our branch applies for grants from outside organizations and accepts donations.
AAUW promotes education and equity for all women and girls, lifelong education and positive societal change.
Rev. (8/24)